Possible solution for the invitation issue with the mods group


See here for the description of the problem: Inviting the 'moderators' group to a topic

The current problem is that we can invite at max 10 people at once, but since there are only 5 mods that are active, the problem could be solved by makeing a new group of the active moderators with less than 10 people (seems to be supported by the discourse software), which could then be invited into a thread.

(I decided to put this into a new thread since the other one is dead and many people wouldnt see this b/c it would be neither in “unread” nor in “new”)


Ii wanna be 1 if they change


Why wouldn’t you post on the existing thread? :sweat:

@moderators for consideration of merge thread onto https://www.realmeye.com/forum/t/inviting-the-moderators-group-to-a-topic/1919



The other thread hasn’t been auto-closed yet, so you could’ve just posted there and it would’ve shown up as “unread”. Still, no matter, I suppose a new thread works well enough.

I think a smaller @active_moderators group (Doc, HG, Stu, and myself) would be a not-bad idea.


I vote for @moderpotatoes.


I vote for modereaters.
They consume bad threads.


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