Possible vit mod for pets


Yes that would be correct.


it would kill ppes. its a fun game mechanic to lose it shit you cant play with a non maxed vit char


wis doesnt effect a pet’s healing power…?


if this kills ppes then does this mean npes are double dead ppes? :thinking:
seriously though you don’t need the heal unless you’re being reckless in an endgame dungeon




I was referring to other player’s heals. A pet isn’t a player :confused:


A player isn’t specifically a healer either.

Pet heals only because wismod makes priest, necro and paladin already have a stronger ability with a higher stat.


It’s a role they can fulfill by selecting one of three classes. It’s implied, really.

I shouldn’t have to explain these minor details when my entire point was ignored and an optional piece of my text is being nitpicked for zero reason. I said exactly what I meant, after all.


Well, it would make a PPE more challenging/more of an achievement/more important to max vit or keep that vit swapout ring you loot.

And isn’t the point of doing PPE to make the game voluntarily more challenging? :thinking: So wouldn’t having another challenge, in your challenge, be good anyways? (You could always just max vit in your vault for a “max vit PPE” if the thought of playing unmaxed is so terrible).


max all my stats and equip set first from vault ppe


I think my brains fried from loungin in the sun, I’m so confused.


it takes the heal to the power of the % vit maxed
like if you have 20 vit and the max is 40 it takes the healto the power of 0.5


I would actually say to do a different system as that actually makes high vit classes worse


then set it to a below/above 40 system?


Oh, I thought you were actually bringing the heal number to a specific power based on vit. What you are doing is just multiplying the two.

Ya need to state that you are multiplying the values and use the * sign rather than the ^.

The flaws with it are less significant, but many of my points still stand.


i am using power sign


You are getting the wrong values then…


20/40 = 0.5
heal^0.5 = sqaure root


Eh, nevermind. Pardon that, I am getting it mixed up with another topic.

Again, the issue with this is the percentages though. 29/30, 39/40, 74/75 are all varying percents favoring the lower numbers. Classes with low vit are intended to have the vit low for balance.
Maybe exponential isn’t the way to go?

My suggestion is basing it off of 75 Vit, but giving the pet heal a base, such as 60% is guaranteed regardless of your vit stat.

I don’t necessarily agree with this solution, but I’m willing to help improve it at the very least.
I’m still rooting for .13 more hp regen/vit in the end.


True, an unfairness can be seen by considering two extremes, necro (30 cap) and sorc (75).
Necro averages a vit roll of 19/30 at level 20 - would give petheal^0.63 for an “average necro”
Sorc averages a vit roll of 38/75 at level 20 - this’d equate to petheal^0.51 for an “average sorc”
And it’s not right that the “low vit” necro gets a better vitmod effect out of the box.

:thinking: thinking…!