Post a picture of your pet


I wish my own cats would get along this well :roll_eyes:


Nemeios, what are you looking at?

Oh, your brother.

Yeah, Mel is kind of a weirdo.

But you love each other, so that’s alright.



my floofo boi named Brownie <3


Who’s zephyr?


A dear friend of mine


20/20 good boy



My F R E N

Her name is KC, she’s such a good pup

She is veeewy lazy :smiley:


people who say lel give me aids.


So how that related post pictures of your pet.


There’s a lot of stray dogs in China. they’re all my doggos


I think you got doggos mixed up with dinner


Last time I was in Shanghai, I saw a couple kittens in a bushed area, they had striped racoon tails


Thats so cute :o

I kept some meat from my meals and put them into the fridge, in the morning I’ll take some in wax paper and go outside to feed the doggos.

Hopefully there will be a lot.

who needs realm when you have a literal army


I saw a cat that had every piece of hair shaved besides the foot area, the tail, and the head. Basically a cat poodle.


pretty sure the doggos feed you



That’s kinda weird


You know about pet food, right?


Food doesn’t help old age!


Fair enough.