Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


gotta ask. is that lowke a BIONICLE shirt. if it is i woudl ive you 12 pixies ig but i dont have any rip


Oof, just around 600 posts late


Fairly certain that i Bionical, yes


This is me the day I got my wisdom teeth out a few months ago.



bad Poggers


And here’s a selfie of me right now outside my dorms
(I was about to take one yesterday, but my roommate turned the light off and I needed to go to sleep)

(And some more me)

Do You _____?


Downloading the PNG
Insta like
Download finishee
Take back the like


stressed, depressed, but well dressed :ok_hand:t2:




(Assuming you’re working at mcdonalds in that picture)
That mcdonalds has a chandelier?


Yes, and yes.


When you’re making 86 billion a year, might as well reinvest some of it to look nicer than the competition.


Pretty much the case, but it’s kind of annoying because it takes up space and hard to clean tables around it


the freshman package


wtf u the same age as me LOL


how old did you think i am?? :thinking:


Actually @GGaodzilla is immortal. He is the spirit of cringey 12 year olds, eternally trapped in middle school.


stop with the roasts, i see the smoke from here


no shit i thought you were 24 with a job LOL

high school smh
