Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


Your hair looks like @Glawi. First thing that popped into mind.


Oh hey, how day

Think I was softly singing when I took this


Not an actual landfish 0/10




mr. moody doggo


This seems more fitting in the post a picture of your pets thread


but i am one

an angelic one


I tried that bud I really did. I tried to post a picture of myself (an oryx) but got moved to animals.
Ofc unless these guys were just doing that to me for no reason.


lol ok


cute doggo :3


Holy snap this is a passionate way to play an instrument if I’ve ever seen one


didn’t even eat the peel, smh




Are you a model or something? Cause dang, that’s some photography :eyes:


Why not. Hit them twice or not at all


A buddy of mine took the photos. I pretty much said where as we walked around on our roadtrip stops. These infact were very recent.

EDIT - Funnily enough, one of the last selfies i posted here was me back when i was 15? 16? Something like that. I’m almost 19 in perspective, which is scary in a way.


9 pedos found.




I deny everything.