Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


Okay, good. That game was actually really good, but was way different than the other Paper Mario games.


It wasn’t sticker star or colour splash.
That is all that matters.


Paper Mario is bad.
Paper Luigi is where it’s at.





Negative effects :3


When she makes you invert your colors to see the picture.


I mean, I can delete my comment if you want, and most people probably won’t bother/know that that’s what you need to do


don’t need to, I don’t think they will bother reverting this piece of crap


I always did like a woman with confidence :joy:


You’d be surprised how much left time most people here have (I did it)


; >

“… Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline”



…saying that you shouldn’t waste your pretty face like me.


._. well… I might be part of that number of people


‘0’, my favorite is hurricane/ghost tho
but HALSEY is <3


I think there’s a flaw in my code… these voices won’t leave me alone.

my favs are gasoline and control.

and shurmia loves blue :stuck_out_tongue:

to stay on topic. FML

you might notice I have pen on my hand… I really hate this damn pen.


pen? what pen? I can only see the cracked screen of ur cellphone and some minuscules ink spots on your hand


I guess thats what he meant


Ik I’m just messing with him (I wouldn’t notice) :>


Loved it too.


Cracked screen and fully dead phone :frowning: im having an awful day.