Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


um toxic regular mods pls fix


and Diamondest


Oi I demand to be added to this list, Iā€™m a Chinese guy whoā€™s obsessed with Japanese culture and have a korean girlfriend. >:C Iā€™m the most asian damn it

angrily waves a flag


Not true Chinese.




True Chinese in my eyes :eyes:


its bc asian parents dont allow you to play real games like league and such.

Also because our computers are too slow to run those games (and we thought that realm could run it better).

legit reasons btw


I thought all Asians played league wtf


there are so many asians that you can think they mostly play one game but in reality, thatā€™s like 1/20th of asians in general


Which is still a crap ton of people


I didnā€™t know over 80 million people played league :thinking:
(And thatā€™s only counting Chinese, not any other Asians)


Clearly his estimates are wrong is thatā€™s only Chinese because I looked up how much people played and got


1.6 billion times 1/20 = 80 million, so yeah heā€™s wrong c:


makes up a random number
gets criticized

guess I shouldā€™ve been more Asian and actually researched my numbers


Me and my sis, hehe


Whatā€™s with the watermark on the bottom right?


I believe itā€™s from the filter thingy


Glawi! :v


You look nearly identical :o


why is your hair longer than your sisters?