Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


Another episode of realm dads.


That’s a good beard there :ok_hand:


He looks just like you congrats


Not the nose


Rip the legendariest archer of all time. Pretty sure this archer older than your son.


Heres a random bad story that I wrote about that quote, its pretty bad since I had no idea where i was going with it. also too lazy to describe things other than dialogue.


“Hey son, let me tell you about the epic journey about this archer. Once upon a time your dad was an amazing archer was well renown around the realms. His fame awestruck many young saplings with its magnificence. Wielding a mystic bow that brought doom upon its victims, his quiver was created by the extinct elves and was only retrieved from of danger risking his life. He fought coated in the silk extracted from the highest quality of coral. The ring he wore dazzled gold and shined and brought tremendous stats towards this archer.”

“So that archer was you?” The young child whom I see as the whole world (now that gogoasafur the archer died) looked up in awe and confusing.

“Yes. Not only that, I carried 4 other bows and another quiver that had amazing features.”

“Why do you need 5 bows? Where do you put them?”

“Well son, one bow would shoot incredibly hard and could pierce through the strongest of defenses , while two others would shoot multiple arrows, and the one shot leaves that somehow hurt…giant monsters. The last one did absolutely nothing useful except made your bad look super cool.”

“But how do you carry so many bows? And why do you need multiple shooting bows? And how do you shoot leaves, and aren’t monsters supposed to be strong, how can leaves kill them. And having 5 bows doesn’t make you look cool, it makes you look dumb for needing more than one.”

“Well son-”

“And why did you stop”

“Uhhh, I died to a ice adept.”

“What’s that?”

“Its someone who shoots magical bolts of magic.”

“Are you dead then?”


“Ah! I knew it! After you come out of the computer room you always look like a zombie! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! DAD’S A ZOMBIE!”


Bringing this thread back with an arm reveal from my brother and I.

Whose arm is whose?


I don’t know…


The lighter one is yours


The picture of them as a child they are dark though


mid: candyree

bottom: owenyeast


When i played sports outside.
Now, I haven’t seen the sun in years…

Nameness is correct.

What was your guys’ mental image of me btw?






Wasn’t dark enough though, so it would have lightened based on the amount of time he plays csgo and RotMG now, had it been darker I would have guessed the darker arm


a bigger version of this:


well needless to say, he’s a stud now

(click on the photo for the full size, discourse is being weird)


an Asian version of me




Literally, its just an sqeeky asian kid thats yelling



wait why did this give me a quote notification