Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


not funny smh


Ikr its downright terrifying.


no more fri itens for you-•


no pls, it was just joke


jk was just a joke
btw I think I have a couple itens now that my wizzy died :c


Resurrection By Erection :thinking:


Was feeling cute might delete later :weary:


No self conscious deleting here. Be proud!

just not too proud.


I’m Jesus and I give content


That’s an interesting way to eat a cucumber.


Just want to suck the juices out


Edge of night selfie


nightmare fuel


I was too lazy to move as I took this


omg. you pretty much look exactly to one of my best friends in highschool…

the only difference is your eye is more outwards, less chin air, dif hair style and very slightly bigger nose. And some other too revealing information, now don’t want people to dedox him.

But man… the similarity. i would post a picture but i cant do that obviously.


No cat :cry:


oMg ItS tFuE


What is?


Do you want a c a t?


No I want a free ride on your stick