Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


you look hot, rivalling ricardo milos and danny devito




ohhh so this is you xd


nah the eyes arenā€™t small enough


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s @LudwiGa


I meant on discord, didnā€™t actually know who you were exactly xd


Wait what? lmao
EDIT: actually looks like me im scared


Sorry, meant to say @Demonseye. I think he posted that somewhere in the regular threads.


nah i said i was getting an haircut because my hair looked like glawi

i never posted a picture of me anyway.


Im still waiting on regreting this


okay, later today you will see




Well I have a surprise later too (might not be a good one, but still a surprise)





A surprise for me? OwO


I went to alberta for a couple weeks and solo climbed a random mountain one morning :slight_smile:


Well I never heard of this.


we can all solo sews or abbies but it takes a real man to solo a mountain :stuck_out_tongue:


its pretty easy to solo a mountain as well, you can stay outside of the boss room spamming your ability and the only threat are the archers that permalyze you :3


Whatā€™s this about posting face reveals on mountains?


maybe some day ill post a face reveal