Post a Picture of Yourself Thread


Hehe is this like couples’ paint by numbers wine night but in a mineshaft instead


In order to keep this Thread going, here is a picture of me too!



Is it just me or does he look sorta like Bookwyrm. Just with darker hair


Nope; I think he looks like himself.


Ok. Wait you mean he doesn’t look like you or it is not just me?



book is skinnier in the face


Ok, I’m so used to my hair being a smidge longer. I can kind of see why we might look similar in those shots… I’m just biased with seeing myself slightly change constantly.




god i’m lonely


Me (left) and my good friend (right) dressed as Bionicles for Halloween ~2008. Fun fact, I will be the best man in that same friend’s wedding later this year!

Vote for Bionicle for Lego’s 90th Anniversary set!


Is your friend pulling off gang signs, or am I overthinking things? :flushed:


Lol, definitely overthinking things. It is hard to see, but I think he is actually holding a clear bouncy ball that he was trying to show off :sweat_smile:.






But which one is you? •~•


We collectively share one brain cell that is working overdrive at all times


CAT, I see cat, I say cat, I ping Kablo, am simple man
Cat is love cat is life


I got a drawing tablet a few days ago :)


Yearly updates?

did something new with my hair and kinda liking it

same pants though :jeans:


you look healthier