Post funny moments in-game!


Or he looks up to you and thinks you’re ULTRA COOL :sunglasses:


of course i do… not! he stole it from me.
he “asked me” to screenshot it.


Lol, alright.


tfw people want me reported in game smh my head:^)


Reported for running it down mid and verbally insulting during the process


Is this where the pet caretaker keep the good stuff?




Did you explore? It won’t even let tricksters back there


I did a bit, there are some invisible walls. I got about halfway around before I lagged out


To do that for me is press for your pet to follow you then use wasd keys to go out. it lags my screen for a sec to let me do that.


funnier if you get the reference.


I don’t get the reference
(also for some context me and hippo had searched a fresh realm for some coil snakes and found about 8 empty ruins)


This is what you missed.


A different take on the “How much power?”



this is an old image


More jpeg needed



Or maybe cowbell


hwhy not both?


Everything is edible, it’s just that some things are only edible once