Post funny moments in-game!


you die when you hit -1, not 0 lol
good meme tho



dont worry pajeet was being pajeet and i didnt really get the whole picture. in retrospect the thing i actually disagreed with was using an iconic pic from like 2014 or something for “in game moments”


when u send a pun and she reply with lol lel xd


ok oryx


No problem, now let’s let these people get back to posting “funny in game moments”


And now that the situation is settled i’m going to delete all the previous off-topic comments.








Shouldnt you be melting and dying a horrendous death?




false calling the emergency response team, in the US could be an illegal offence


I met OtherBill in the trading server(uwest2) a couple days ago, exchanged a couple words and bought his vit <3




whats funny about that?


Finding a forum mod in the trading server.



lol who gives credit to meme creators anymore wth