Post funny moments in-game!


Can relate



shouldnt it be the other way round?




#approval from white star


That means nothing


It dont think his comment was meant to be taken completly seriously


where da lava my boi


I got that too a little while ago, altho the lava appear quite instantly after a few seconds.


when he starts moving the lava spawns instantly


OwenBeast the murderer


i dont wanna do ninja guill


Wrong. 3/4 of yellow stars and 1/2 of white stars are arrogant and mean, especially to lower ranks. Those on the forums are pretty nice though.


I can’t justify how people make these assumptions without backing them up with substantial evidence first



What evidence could I supply? It’s not like I record or screenshot whenever a yellow or white star says something arrogant or mean. I wouldn’t call it an assumption, because I see more yellow and white stars being mean or arrogant in chat than any other rank. I would call it a broad generalization.


Literally my entire channel.


pls leave a like and subscribe

pls link your channel



dont worry killing a clone of yourself is perfectly acceptable in society these days


ez just kill 6 lv1 characters of urs, 6 bilgewater marks