Post funny moments in-game!


It’s a Unity glitch; the name that appears over my inventory in the screenshot is not my account name.

The game believes that I am a Zesty Scrub.


So Backpack trades will be a thing in the future?

Would be great to be able to afford STs and ubhps without and unreasonable amount of greater life again.


An easy way to deposit 16 rusty katanas to my favourite YouTubers 8)




Commander Calbrik got bored of playing UFO class? Or maybe ditched his fame UFO to feed his pet.




Two bros, sitting in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz they’re not gay


Six feet apart because social distancing.


I like to think he took his daddy’s lamborghini ufo for a joyride…


didn’t get the orb but no time was wasted



He didn’t succeed.


saw this in chat and immediately remembered this meme






I mean there IS a tv show~


Every iteration of Ra’s Al Ghul regardless of what media form involve the Lazarus pits.

The General Chat Thread

You: So you’re named after a comics charater and you don’t read comics
Him: I don’t read comics nerd
Conclusion: He thinks you’re a nerd for reading comics and not watching TV series (probably)
2nd Conclusion: You’re a nerd


3rd conclusion: you have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re way over your head.

I literally just said ALL iterations of the character, regardless of media form (which would include TV shows and comics) would involve the lazarus pits, which is what i asked him. And the guy immediately assumed that’s from the comics so therefore he doesn’t watch a show featuring the character either.

And also Ra’s Al Ghul would be classified as a comics character first and foremost, as that is where the character was first introduced. Thus, I am absolutely correct in pointing out the player is named after a comics character. Any tv appearances of the character is what we call an ‘adaptation’.


Yeah, I have no idea what I’m talking about (never watched/read either). All I’m saying is he could have named himself after Ra’s Al Ghul from the TV SHOW, not the comics, sorry if you misunderstood.


They’re the SAME character! So if he names himself after the one from the TV Show, he’s naming himself after the one from the comics! JESUS! WHY IS THAT SO HARD FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND?!

I said ALL Iterations of the character regardless of media form involve one specific plot device, which I asked him about. This IS SHARED BY the one from the TV Show, Arrow and the comics. So if he named himself after the TV Show version, he would STILL get the reference because that is an essential plot device regarding the character! And based on his response, he clearly has next to zero clue anything about the character other than he’s from comics.

And even if he DID watch the TV show, it would say ‘Based on characters from DC Comics’. I genuinely do not understand why or how you think him naming himself after a character in a tv show, who was based on the one from the comics, means that he isn’t naming himself after a comic book character.