Post funny moments in-game!


anotha one



Drug Dealing in realm with @InfamousX


OwO? Wats dis?


Nah, I"m kidding. Its @CrayKiller the forumer.



LOL : ) ; )

(Anyone who guesses the reference correctly wins a prize)


new enemy… hallway slime!


Top 10 Photos Taken Moments Before Disaster


I swear, this is the best tome


How do you even get beachzone keys…


i think they could be obtained ages ago


Yup 400 fame in the nexus. I remember buying a ton of them because I never thought I’d have enough fame to buy an ammy :c





The guy who warned of Guill being the secret final boss was right. We laughed at him and spat on him, but he was telling us the truth! Guill was always up to no good!


@Toastrz you had a whole bakery Swear to god.


What has Toasterz done?


I think he’s the blob…


Testing names can get wild

also, have some cursed characters because I have them


testing right


all of that post was on testing yeah lmao


How though?