Post funny moments in-game!


I know, but in my reply I stated


so yeah. I mean, I won’t try to StarliAS style force my opinion up your ass but yeah.


lol what






I was in that realm for 20 minutes.

The event bosses went like this:
Cube, cube, skull, cube, cube, cube


Oh and this happened

the server was really broken

the black river between me and that pot

(o shit i just realized that the pot wasnt in the pic ;-:wink:
(there was originally a spd pot [i think] from a medusa, and this river kept me away from it)


this was a long time ago

running in a train though a lava cut thingy

5 ppl died



They’re all bots, actually. If you drop a potion, they will literally run at like 500mph to steal your pots


i know, i was trying to make a meme ;-;


some of us can relate



Yeah man lmfaooo ikr! But seriously, we are all friends here. And we all may share our opinons. After all, this IS a forum! Hahaha! :slight_smile:


Illuminati confirmed



That just seems like a waste!


Wait Curg opened those? The Japanese guy who spends hundreds to thousands just like Hiiiin from JewElimination?


you stole this from @Kekkekkekk smh




Stole what