Post funny moments in-game!


necro is a pretty good class. i am disappointed by your actions.


I’m disappointed in both of you!
paden is the best class c:


necro worst class dats why


Wrong. Trickster is worst.


My deaths disagree.
At least trickster is good for training :slight_smile:


That just proves you’re bad at the game. Just because you suck at necro doesn’t mean its a bad class


Uh… Hows that good?


I’ve gotten 2 1/8s, 1 2/8, 2 4/8s and an 8/8 necro. He’s never even maxed one.


Hes got 2 6/8’s and 4 7/8s and 2 5/8s. I’d take that over your 8/8.


These are only my maxed Necros I’ve gotten way more maxed characters. That was the only class I was comparing anyways


when somebody takes a meme way too far and makes it unfunny and shouldn’t be surprised i blocked him


Dude. Im not joking, necro is actually the best class. It has the long range of a staff skulls that heal and do tons of damage, and good stats for dps. What’s not to love?? Not even a meme either, just a way to show that I love the necro. The photos weren’t even posted to start an argument. I uploaded it sarcastically as a somewhat joke. Its the same reason I uploaded those other discussions with forumers. They’re meant as a joke. Apparently, this got blown way out of proportion.

Not trying to be funny.

blocking someone just because they like a class and show it a lot is not a reason to block them imo. Also I only pmed you about it once. I just said that necro is the best class as a somewhat joke and then that I was disappointed that you didn’t like necro. Also, I have never pmed you before. I saw you and reconized you from the forums so I said hi anlong with the classic “necro best class” as a joke. I wasn’t like “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DUDE YOU SUCK, Y U NO PLAY NECRO??? IM REPORTING YOU!!!1!1!!1 GET BANNED!1!1!!!11!” Anyways this is getting too off-topic, i’m not even mad, just kinda annoyed you would block someone for not doing anything. If you wish to further discuss this, PM me on realmeye or @ me on General chat thread.




tfw you’re on an npe account and the star reqs git u gud.




Got this abyss spawn room earlier today lol.


A wild @XDRDogex has appeared

@Bobhisays gimme



I wanted a covert… It was free.


And guess what!



I don’t think that proves he’s bad at the game. I mean, you say necro is so amazing yet you can only manage to 3-star that class. I don’t believe you’re in the position to say someone else is bad at the game, especially when that person has 25 more stars than you in game.