Post funny moments in-game!


I wish I had screenshotted this…
But this is what the screenshot would have been

Player Name: Ship ded?
Oryx: An elusive beach bum has entered the realm

It was the first time I had ever been in a realm where a beach bum spawned. (Sadly we failed the beachzone, as there were only around six people who entered)


Someone said “hi Posh”, to which he responded with “o7”.

@Nevov it u


i dont understand the oryx 1-7 thing


Oryx 3 meme pushed too far?



did it occur to anyone that he was probably trying to say “oy”? 7 is right next to y


Perfectly timed, 'nuff said


why the heck does it still show that i’m a blue star?


log out and log back in. common problem




heh, look at me all the way up at the top :wink:


Hehe I’m third (and four is second!?)


yup. 38 results, most probably have almost exactly those words. Probably even more


I didn’t call a snake troom. This guy’s response absolutely hilarious. I don’t know if he was trying to be, but it sure as heck came off as funny.


Lel man, that guy must be one hell of a noob if speed is hard to get :roll_eyes:


My guess is he got a bad roll and was particularly pissed today.
Keep in mind he’s orange star lmfao


LoOk aT tHiS cOoL iTeN I gOT! HaD tO bLUr sOmE sTuF oUT BUt iT sTiL lOOk cOOl!!!11!!!11111!

(Its a joke in case you didn’t already get it.)


sUsPIciOuS CroPPinG :thinking::thinking::thinking:




Said I would report, but too lazy. Someone do it for me?

He could be lying/joking, but I thought I should post this somewhere.