Post funny moments in-game!



wait I said hitler was a good person cuz he killed hitler 2 days ago


I mean, that;s jokes been around for a while.


Caged heroes


that is a good place to afk and noone can drag on you


Something to keep in mind: Marking a post as sarcasm doesnā€™t magically save you from flagsā€¦ Itā€™s still a overly offensive post whether you meant it or not.


You tell him.


ā€œthe person who killed hitler was a saintā€
way ive heard it is ā€œi love the person who killed hitlerā€
they are basically the same thing




Banned from lh discord ;(


Thatā€™s actually kind of wierd because saying ā€œpotsā€ in a sentence gets your message flagged as spam, but saying the word alone doesnā€™t :thinking:


This is rarer than anything Iā€™ve ever gotten.
What the actual fuck

Guill gives you the HP/MP pot chest if you ask ā€œpotsā€. Would be kinda hard to do when you couldnā€™t even say it!


I say hp and he yeets that bad boy over


Joined the ranks of Snokeā€™s Elite Praetorian Guards


Join the guild of @Xxxerx the FAMED PRAETORIAN GUARD


Nah man, I already joined the ELITE Praetorian Guard of the First Order.

Now we shall restore peace and prosperity to the galaxy! Long live the Supreme Leader!




had to nexus cuz i was standing still and getting armor broken :^)


Realmeye gives example signatures. But hover over themā€¦


what has realm come to?