Post your B-day here! Find your twin!


So you are a 15 year old UGC member?


I already know 2 people (one of them closely) that have the same birthday as me. Guess what day it is!


Monday the 19th of november?

Edit: and also, 14th of October


wtf no
ill start a competition on another thread


wheres my prize

and yes, I did just purposely take that the wrong way



tester != ugc

piggby is though, we should go flame him now



Piggby’s like Niegil, he gets enough memey flame just by existing, no need to add to it.


Juli 4th, 1998 xP






jk April 24th 2002


Only if you’ll have me. ;>


14 Feb Not gonna tell year tho!


Dec 14 2000 almost brother!


March 15. I do believe that I, in fact, am a reincarnation of Julius Caesar.
jk, I’m not a ruler type.


Was gonna put something g suggestive here but too scared of flags ;(


wait im july 4th too


March 17th, 2 days before me


April 16th, 2003


that’s super close to mine, but not quite. I’ll share the exact date if someone else has the same day because I’m still like 90% secretive hermit.