Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


What did you just say about my hard-earned leechstar


I still want white star


yes thats what we need. realm of the happy god. /s


He drinks orange juice and has outdated teen humor. Also dad jokes.


I did not care fo- uh

I mean, I miss the old cumbersome Avatar where you had to drag blobs and coordinate.

It was very fun for me, though unfortunately made less people want to kill it.


I must plug my own post :pensive:


I just want my forums yellow star back to look cool on forums.


Jugg is worse Prot, especially in groups. Healing is more useful than Berserk in my opinion, and Prot doesn’t have a cooldown. The Armored lasts for way longer, too.


This is incredibly late and likely no longer at all relevant, but I’ve always downloaded it as a pdf on phone, and then I experience no problems whatsoever. *shrug

Also (aimed as a general announcement), shrug not entirely unexpected, this thread probably takes the cake for being one of the most painful to read through on the forums yet for me. O.o
Not to say occasional valid points weren’t made along the way but… yeesh! :disappointed_relieved:
(I’d like to think of myself as open-minded, even with points I don’t agree with, so this is saying something for me. I’d probably hate Reddit lol)


If they make hacking literally impossible 50% of the playerbase will quit overnight garunteed


That’s just not true. People also think IC/OOC will cause people to leave since it’s a pet nerf but literally nothing will happen.


A pet nerf is not comparable to making cheating impossible


Yes, a pet nerf would hit the playerbase much, much harder than fixing cheats and exploits.


I doubt it. More than 50% of the playerbase hacks you take that away they’ll all quit. Alot of ppl dont rlly like pets anyways so a nerf wouldnt hit as hard


Dex Ring is the best for Archer/Huntress instead of HP rings.


That seems like an exaggeration. I’d say about 1/4 people in the game hack, honestly. And it’s not like they would quit, a lot of hacked clients are free from what I’ve seen in the shady corners of the internet. Plus, if they hacked in a game, that means they like it, right? Maybe like 1/5 of the hackers would quit, but the rest would stay. So it’s not exactly a huge loss. They’re shitty people anyways.


Definitely more than a 1/4 hack. I’d maybe go down to 1/3 hack but I think it’s a majority for sure. The whole point of hacking is bc they hate permadeath and wanna keep their shit. Remove that and they’ll find a different game. And the only reason they like the game is bc theres hacks for it


If they are so cowardly with permadeath, then they shouldn’t even play this game. It’s really conflicted to see “want to keep all of my goodies yet being immortal” without using the legit way.


I’m not sure they care what ppl say ab it as long as they are enjoying the game their way


Pretty sure everyone reading can tell you cheat lol.