Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


a hot take, hotter than the last: The servers don’t necessarily suck as bad as everyone thinks they do, they have to deal w/ the sheer number of players all in uss, usw2 or wherever else people happen to be - combine that w/ an 8 year old flash game, and… yeah. I don’t care how good/refined the code is, if it’s running on flash and you have 120+ people in a halls, someone is going to lag into their death, a DC or get kicked to char select because they refuse to play the game the way it was intended. If people didn’t all crowd into one or two servers to either trade or do weekend chest events, a lot less people would be complaining about the servers.


That’s a pretty good summary of the game’s main issues. Along with the Unity release, parts of the code are being rewritten from scratch, which will help significantly, though some parts (server-side, if I’m not mistaken) will continue to be spaghetti code.


Luckily for you, you won’t have to. Because it isn’t.


Just die a lot. Lol.


No, do you think I want my 20 thousand 6/8s and 8/8s to die just so I can expand my petyard by 1 pixel and feed my pet some garbage piss in a cup that’ll only give it gonorrhea and inbreed to only have slightly faster skills?

(I’m really paranoid and clingy when it comes to my characters though, so I’ll rarely sacrifice them for fame just for my pet yard).


Is it an unpopular opinion to think that marks shouldn’t be stackable?


Not amongst players it isn’t


It’s not like you’re the only player ever to have had that opinion but it’s probably unpopular enough to qualify, yes.


So you would rather spend money to upgrade a pet yard, where you could instead kill some characters to get 50k is better?


It’s time efficient atleast, so in that sense it’s better. But it’s way too expensive gold and fame wise so it doesn’t even matter really.

You mean around 25 characters who have atleast 2k Base Fame (Not counting bonuses) and killing them? :////


As a priest player, never heal for people that shout it at you, I tend to only heal myself and people who are blinking, but the moment that that they say
HP or Heal me proest or some other degrading term then they lose their right to be healed. Dunno if this is unpopular tho


my mentality when playing priest is that if i am at full or almost full mana, i am not really in any immediate danger, and someone near me has mid-low health, i pop them a heal.

Also normally i notice that ppl don’t ask for heals, but it might be different for you.


Yeah, most people dont do it anymore, which is good


More hot takes, because why not

Running stuff purely for fame, just because you want to get on the leaderboards, is kinda dumb. Different strokes for different folks, and I’ve never cared for fame that much in the first place, but the sentiment still stands. Farming for feeding your pet, however, is basically a necessity of realm at this point.

Melee doing a lot of damage wouldn’t be nearly as much of an issue, if the people who combine it w/ a divine pet weren’t seemingly such a dick about it. My particular quip is for telling people to leave in a (small) void, and the thing I hate even more is that they’re probably right - if you don’t also have a max divine (or at least a legendary pet), you’re more-or-less irrelevant.

Hacking makes 90% of white bags irrelevant, the only exception being wanting one for each class applicable. This one isn’t really a hot take, just… the prevalence of hacking and the knowledge that I’d die for attempting 70% of the shit they do irritates me to no end. Bonus points if you also possess a max Divine. Speaking of pets…

Divine pets are so far removed from the other pets, even maxed legendaries, that you might as well be playing a sandbox game.


hunt > arch

dont @ me


Exactly, it doesn’t make sense that the skill curve of this game goes strictly down hill after the first couple weeks of gameplay. Look, without pets the game is tedious, but modifications to Vit and Wis’ regeneration effects would go miles for this game as well as No pet realms with increased drop rates. I just want an incentive to play without a pet, “The challenge” is not enough for me anymore, I’ve done NPEs, and they just aren’t as thrilling anymore since you are intentionally limiting yourself and receive no benefit for it. At the very least, give a fame bonus for never equiping a pet or something. I don’t think people would be angry at these changes and it would really change the pace of the games and give classes more identity than they currently have (particularly ones with healing effects). And most of all, melees wouldn’t be blatantly overtuned :wink:


it is an unproductive and unhealthy mindset to blame your deaths on others




the development for the Unity port is moving a little slow imo

what’s more concerning to me is the fact that a [certain private server] is also currently developing a unity client for their private server.

no Bueno in my opinion


Ninja is the worst class in the game, and no amount of VIT is going to be able to save it. It’s slow, squishy, short-ranged and has no damage.
No, just because it can spend mana to have the same speed as other classes does not make it a fast class.