Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


Ninja is a fun class when you have a skin


That’s all you needed to say :slight_smile:




Dblade and EP are such complete trash items that I wouldn’t care if they were straight deleted


Pixie is a good main sword


What the fugg I love dblading stuff





I did some digging, this goes as far back as “2013-09-08”, lmao. Here’s an album from most to least recent containing all of them in my Graveyard.


Confuse should be removed from the game. I hate it so much. The ones that last for only a short time are especially disorienting.


red bee


Red bee and Oryx 2, Henchman of Oryx, El Dorado, Bats, Lair Construct Giant, Mini Bot, Rock Dragon Bat, Marble Colossus, Avatar, Ice Adept just to name a few more.


Just rebind your controls to confuse controls and learn them smh


The way to deal with Confusion is either to wait it out (stand still so you don’t run into shotguns) or, if there are deadly shots coming your way, have “A” as your instinctive key (since it moves you back in Confuse Controls). If you follow these, short Confusions aren’t really as bad and they become more bearable.


Thats a popular opinion


Might not even be unpopular, but expo is actually a pretty good ring and I’d use it on any class.


I find it to be good, but outclassed by other, higher-end options (pyra, bracer, etc).


I actually agree with the first 5, but I love skins and reskins. I’m an aesthetics guy.


A+W/S+D are unchanged during confusion, and A+S/D+W are backwards. Easier to learn imo, and once you know diagonals you can move wherever reasonably easily confused


-Trickster, Mystic, and Paladin are the best characters from their armor types
-Scutum is actually amazing
-Oreo is overrated
-So is rogue in general
-Cdirk just makes you a less speedy ninja without piercing
-Everything past a rare pet makes the game so easy it isn’t fun
-Low DPS characters get loot almost exactly as often as high DPS ones
-Library is honestly stupid easy if you have halfway decent dodging skills and a brain
-Shatters is more lucrative and fun than any other dungeon in terms of time>loot quality
-Abyss is still great to run just for the experience
-Sprite worlds are easier than spider dens
-Most white bags, in general, are completely unnecessary for a character to be good
-Rushing on wizard, sorce, necro, mystic, and priest isn’t hard. Even without UTs
-Crystal wand is the best wand in the game. Period.
-Wand of the bulwark is more fun though
-Electric is more useful than HP heal on pets, in the right situations
-You don’t need more than three character slots, but every vault space is good