Post your unpopular opinions about realm here






they r multiple stuff sorry :frowning:




on which one (sorry lol im not bright)


All events that either drop a bunch of life or incentivize people to constantly run dungeons which drop a lot of life are literally no problem. If people are worried about it making the game too easy, then the fairly simple answer is don’t leverage these events. If events are too tedious, then don’t do them - Realm is fundamentally a fun game at its core, even if you need to voluntarily ignore other parts of the game to focus on the fun ones. And the people who complain about the economy being ruined I don’t really have any sympathy for, as it feels like getting loot through trying to emulate Warren Buffet rather than just through doing dungeons is kind of defeating the point of Realm.

It seems like most of the people who really hate events are the ones who spend 8 hours a day in discord doing nothing but those events.

bonus unpopular opinion I can’t be yelled at for not reading the whole thread to see if my post is a duplicate of someone else’s there are 1008 dude like seriously 500 is where I quit reading

P.S. Maybe I’m missing people’s main concern with chest events - if so tell me. I’m never against changing my opinions :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Mountain temple is too hard for a 4 gravestone dungeon. Enemies that paralyze, confuse, and petrify, all in huge amounts too. It’s terrifying.


i feel it. im not in a very ‘internet friendly area’, and the enemies wont even load in.


I hate the events for a multitude of reasons, the main one being that droprates of white bags are balanced around people who sit in use2 or some discord for hours, which for me is an incredibly unfun way of playing the game.
Since by normal playing in a realm you get access to high level dungeons at a much much lower rate, it takes years (seriously, years) to get some of the rarer white bags and thats my nr.1 reason why I barely play nowadays.


Well it’s more entertaining and less toxic than use2… And some EOs are actually nice xd


It was in the reply, I was talking about the random stat modifiers


8 years no jugg :pensive:

hermit event when


You can try fighting the Grand Sphinx too! Your drop chances just doubled! :exploding_head: :smile:


I’m decently sure the chance is lower at herm but it’s per tentacle but don’t quote me in that :sweat:




It’s from the herm itself, its loot is always spread across the water


We should have characters randomly die and get infected by the “Coronavirus” status effect



hermit loot is calculated by copying the soulbound damage record from the hermit itself to each ‘dead’ tentacle. because of that, the rates for jugg from herm is 1/8th the rates from sphynx, but functionally they’re the same


Wait for real?


If DECA didnt do that people who sit on the popping server would have way more items than the players were supposed to


Hiding location @ Realmeye is overrated.