Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


Well it’d be nice if HP scaling was toned down for smaller groups. One thing about halls that makes it discouraging for small groups is that they take forever. If it was exponential (with the cap totalling the same as the current HP-scaling. Basically 65 people still experience the same HP scaling but 10 is barely different from 5 people) it’s a straight up improvement for smaller groups.


Well, maybe I’m the only one that doesnt want to do halls. Eventually…


I want to do halls, I just don’t want to do mindless discord raids, maybe with IC/OoC, the instakill enemies and value of steamrolls will be rebalanced and pub halls would be more viable


Same man, same.


LoD ST Set for warrior is very good. Nice speed, hp bonus, and high-damage sword, piercing on top of that. The hp of the full set is equal to a deca. You trade 10 def for atk and spd bonuses.


The star system is largely meaningless and currently just indicates a measure of time, not skill.

(I have a writeup for a system to expand stars, but this is just the opinion thread, not a proposal thread)


considering i am a white star i wholeheartedly agree with you


What did you just say about my hard-earned leechstar


I still want white star


yes thats what we need. realm of the happy god. /s


He drinks orange juice and has outdated teen humor. Also dad jokes.


I did not care fo- uh

I mean, I miss the old cumbersome Avatar where you had to drag blobs and coordinate.

It was very fun for me, though unfortunately made less people want to kill it.


I must plug my own post :pensive:


I just want my forums yellow star back to look cool on forums.


Jugg is worse Prot, especially in groups. Healing is more useful than Berserk in my opinion, and Prot doesn’t have a cooldown. The Armored lasts for way longer, too.


This is incredibly late and likely no longer at all relevant, but I’ve always downloaded it as a pdf on phone, and then I experience no problems whatsoever. *shrug

Also (aimed as a general announcement), shrug not entirely unexpected, this thread probably takes the cake for being one of the most painful to read through on the forums yet for me. O.o
Not to say occasional valid points weren’t made along the way but… yeesh! :disappointed_relieved:
(I’d like to think of myself as open-minded, even with points I don’t agree with, so this is saying something for me. I’d probably hate Reddit lol)


If they make hacking literally impossible 50% of the playerbase will quit overnight garunteed


That’s just not true. People also think IC/OOC will cause people to leave since it’s a pet nerf but literally nothing will happen.


A pet nerf is not comparable to making cheating impossible


Yes, a pet nerf would hit the playerbase much, much harder than fixing cheats and exploits.