Post your unpopular opinions about realm here


ive gotten over 40 planes and only 10 eps




LET’S ARGUE: RotMG Edition

  • Knight is the weakest melee. It’s powerful no doubt, but not OP.

  • Pally is the best melee and arguably the best class in the game if you have a decent pet.

  • The Marble seal is the least useful seal in the game along with the st seal. It’s completely outclassed by the tiered seal in most situations (Even in scenarios where the Marble seal would be useful)

  • People who use Marble seal at void are a liability.

  • Even after it got buffed, the void bow is still very mediocre.

  • Once you have a maxed legendary pet, the Deca ring becomes the best ring in the game.

  • Tome of Pain is an amazingly fun and powerful UT

  • Shatters is the worst End-game dungeon. It’s poorly designed and is in dire need of a revamp.

  • Secluded Thicket is the best designed dungeon in the game.

  • The samurai isn’t the worst class in the game.

  • Jugg is insanely overrated.

  • Resu is bad


I’m pretty sure that’s not unpopular

I believe that there should be a larger variety of lowlands and highlands enemies, more early game dungeons and common cyan UTs, star ranking shouldn’t be based off of fame, and that it should be harder and take longer to level up


You made me search that sh*t up out of curiosity.
And it wasn’t even good.
No wonder it was an “unpopular” opinion.


Leaf bow and Cutlases are too common
The Shatters is a terrible dungeon
Its ridiculous how I can’t even do a damn wine cellar with disconnecting. (That and others)
Mystic is an amazing class, curse is really effective, stasis could be more useful with tweaking, and it gets berserk as a staff class.
The default music in RotMG sucks, its repetitive, and it would hard to make a dungeon where it would fit in, thus making it nothing but a main menu theme, that is unfortunately used for the entire game.
Seriously though, DECA, how hard is it to just make several variations of one song?


That’s a good question. Have you tried? Cause I haven’t.

I’m sure they can make some music for the game but most of us play with default game music off regardless.


I have tried using garageband and the like, so maybe I’ll try to make it myself, but if you search on youtube, you can see that someone else has already done it.

Good point. I suppose I haven’t been playing too much RotMG recently, ever since I got Octopath Traveler, I threw away most of my obsession with it in the trash lol.


the problem with someone else doing it is intellectual property rights. unless the writer was willing to give the rights to deca for free (unlikely), deca will have to make some sort of “deal” to gain permission to use the music in game

unfortunately something like this is probably going to be shoved in the back along with the dozens of QoL fixes that have yet to happen


Alright here’s my next project for the next 15+ years


Yellow stars suck


Ray katana is good
I hear people saying its trash


You’re right, in most situations it’s useless but somewhat ironically it’s most useful while clearing the halls because it allows melees to stun the different mob bosses. It makes clearing oryx / golem / slime rooms much safer for the knights who go in.

Never had one but Nazaodo used void bow to do a very impressive solo of first/second in shatters without using ability, pet or consumables.

*looks at your realmeye, sees no deca on characters x) I guess it’s better flex.


Wow ! You literally wrote my thoughts.


ppl think ub att rings are not that good. but in fact, if you have a good pet, and you cant find a crown, then ubatt is really good for dps.


UBDEX warrior gang want to talk to you


That’s very true. In general, a dex ring is better than att ring of the same tier. not only on warr or mystic, but just in general. Of course, when weakened, att will be better in most cases. If I had to choose between a ubdex or ubatt, I would pick the ubdex


No, when you’re weakened your att doesnt affect the damage of your shots at all.


i stand corrected