Posts Per Day Average (life wasted per day)


I’ve been regular since pretty much the beginning and I have a PPDA of approximately 4.2. And I’m pretty sure there are PPDA of regulars that are lower than mine.


3 posts a day. (for me)


wasnt the number of posts needed like 20/30/40 (last hundred) or something

so you could have lower than a 1

tybug is 1.6


@Curlip D:<


Mine is about 7.6 posts per day, and I believe I have been fairly consistent since the moment I joined.


What did i do?



He’s only including the ones that people have posted themselves on the thread.

Stop being a drama queen and post yours. :P``


18 :sob:


my goal is to beat system!


Well technically system is on 0 and infinity… so you win?


(life wasted per day)

14 today buying humanoid eggs


…no you cant past infinite.


but you can pass 0 :wink:


I have an average of ~5.8 (~6).


just noticed something

the three people under me all are banned… :sweat_smile: :cold_sweat:


I have a surprisingly low post count

1242/294 = ~4.2


mine is 4.828571428571429


you should make it a wiki post @Curlip so people can add their values


Ok so if i calculate mine since i started posting things (15 days ago)
Its 14 posts per day average.
Not that bad