POWER's Guide to Posting and Editing Sprites


Nice guide, pixlr is a great tool

moved to #academy:Guides


so much to read just for a border and some other vanity-related things :confused:

try shortening it please


My personal method:

  • Open GIMP
  • Make Sprite in 8x8 Canvas
  • Scale image to 64x64
  • Resize Canvas to 70x70 (centred)
  • Select all non-blank pixels and stroke around selection in a new layer (2px)
  • Duplicate and Blur stroke layer

Creates something like this:


Very nice! I like that it’s easily resizable. Does GIMP automatically produce square outlines? I can’t seem to get the same in Photoshop. There’s no gradient, but that’s just splitting hairs.


Thank you for your feedback! I don’t think it’s vanity, but attention to detail. I agree that the guide’s a bit too lengthy, though: I’ll try shortening it.


OoOooo thanks a bunch for this… looking forward to using pixlr :smiley:


The brush around selection creates an outline.


You. Are. Amazing.


This was nice to read just because of the little things and details that really make an item or image great!

Have a :heart:


Man, excellent guide! Just saying, if those ants are pissing you off and you can’t get them away, press Ctrl-D or CMD-D on a Mac.


Hey, that’s pretty good! :grinning:


Incredible effort! Very helpful :slight_smile:


I can’t get the shadow. How can I get off the wand tool? It’s still having that dotted line around in.


This is how mine turned out.


look on this



Hi MeteorMons!

I’d imagine that the issue you are having is very common. First off, you don’t need to get off of the wand tool to do the rest of the editing. If you do want to get off the wand tool, or any other selection, click the regular selection tool (the box with the dashed line) and click anywhere on your image to deselect.

Below is the relevant fix your shadow problem:

If I’m not mistaken, you probably didn’t double click on your layer to unlock it (lock icon next to the layer is still there). Deleting sections from a locked layer on Pixlr leaves a square image with a white background: if you try to apply a shadow, it’s going to be outside of the range of the image even though it technically exists. Make sure that, after you press delete, you see a checkerboard of white and light grey instead of just white for your background. That means that the background is transparent.


Ok, thank you so much. I got so scared.


wow gimp on vista is so complicated


Never thought making a sprite would be so complex.


Well I don’t have much knowledge on vista so I may not be the best of help.