Priests and Mid-Game Soulbound


I have a graph of class DPS.

See that blue line at the bottom? That’s the priest DPS.
Now, what I get is that Priests are supposed to heal, help others, and not exactly kill stuff.(Lore)
Now, I can dream, but…

What if, for every points of HP that a priest heals when an enemy with soulbound drops are detectable by the minimap,
The priest gains SB-credit, equivalent to dealing damage to that enemy?
Obviously, this wouldn’t even begin to compare how underpowered this is compared to the SB that warriors can get through his attacks alone, and that this aspect is useless against test chests(and the pot of Gooold).
However, event Gods don’t spawn test chests, the cemetery(and some other non-event dungeons) doesn’t have test chests.
This may slightly help… thoughts?

Edit: grammar and spelling mistakes.

Priest, the class with less dps in the game

Priest is a class that consistently damage anything without ever faltering. It’s wand pierces and has the longest range of anything, really. And it never dies.

Instead of buffing certain classes, nerf others to balance. The player is too strong rn and the game isn’t as fun anymore.


While this is true if the battle goes on for a while and the melee classes have to retreat to take cover, I often feel like those melee classes just crushes the bosses without a hint of chance for the bosses or priests.
Of course, they might think otherwise if there’s a pet nerf(was SB a pre-pet mechanic?), but currently, if there’s any melee classes rushing a dungeon I just entered, I just immediately used the portal of cowardice and find another one. Especially when that melee is rushing…


Nu it’s fun getting loot on priest and making other classes question the games morals


Ugh, why does everyone think priest cant get the sweg loots?
oh boy heres one of my big huge text wall answers, prepare to read!

Priest tips/stuffs/facts/other stuff idk
Priest is one of if not the best class for wc other than sin(priest might b better).
Well with T6, it is faster than a sin(provided you maxed your speed).
Sin is crippled by the quiet.
Priest can always land hits while sin has to wait for mana regen.

Non WC where priest is OP
Abyss rushing.
Yes priest is one of the best classes to rush the abyss if you have the holy prot. The holy prot turns the priest into a knight.
lazy maning the bosses
With puri/geb tome, as long as you are not quiet, you can breeze through this dungeon.
Priest is one of the best classes for tombs as you can stay in the center for a long time and hit the bosses. Clean tomb? Use the condu ma boi.
Dirty tomb? Use the recomp.
Guild tomb? Heal your guildies so they dont die and you will be thanked for being a great guildie(especially during the current pet “bug”).

You can run any other dungeon and you can rush easily by
Using prot and t6 to be fast.

Priest does enough damage already, its the loot distribution. I don’t get it, why does everyone think more damage = more loot?
Its not real. You only get loot if you deal a certain threshold(bout 10% of hp) and there’s usually only 1 guaranteed pot for one person. So if RNG doesnt like you, you wont get loot and it doesnt matter what class you play. I like priest myself and I think its perfectly fine.
Only a few dungeons guaranteed multiple pot drops and you can find it here: 2 guaranteed pot dungeons?
Credits to @Fev and @UnicornSla for making the list

/offtopic thingy
why do i spend more times writing huge text walls than actually doing my homework? weird.


Hmm… I should rename my topic then. Priests and mid-Game SB. The tombs, wine-cellar, etc. definitely has its moments where priests can get SB, because there is time, and melee classes retreat.
Prot is quite conditional, but admittedly very powerful, especially with the right pets. My issue is that not a lot of people have access to those.

Yeah, it would be nice when the bug is up, and I could only imagine the pre-pet era where this idea might be more relevant. Now, your pets can just heal you (Admittedly, priest’s heals are more reliable).

I love priests. I can afford to be sloppy (though I have met my demise a couple of times because of this) and take less risks because of the range and healing. The problem is when I can’t land a enough to hit that sweet 10%(this is estimation, right? or is this confirmed?) like cem bosses where melees crush them in under 5 seconds('cept sometimes skuld. Sometimes).

I admit, not all event gods are steamrolled by melees. Some, like the AVA, definitely takes time and gives priests a chance to get that SB. Hermies are steamrolled really fast, and Cube Gods and Skull Shrines pretty quickly as well, though the piercing aspect of the wand really helps there.


I’ve personally never gotten loot from a tomb with priest. I once duoed a tomb as a priest, took like 4 hours and still got 0/3. Once I get prot I’m breaking out my bulwark and laying waste to the tomb bosses though. :sunglasses:


I can’t even get to Oryx with a 3/8 (almost 4/8) without dying! I hope you get your prot soon!


well I sometimes still get 0/3 on a sin soo
must be rngeebus having a bad day and shitting on our luck ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯


True. It takes some tries to truly say statistically speaking that priests get lower loot distribution than other classes.


After like 20 tombs with a wand that visibly does no more than 9 damage the majority of the time thanks to weakens I doubt the lack of loot is due to bad luck. :sunglasses:


Actually that’s wrong. You shouldn’t be weakened due to the range of a wand and you can hit multiple bosses at once due to the piercing.


Do we have any statistics on whiitebags and which classes obtain them? So we can see them objectively?
This’ll definitely end the discussion.


Priest does have its advantages in the rage phases where the melees back out for you to get your sb in before they die.
I dunno what you are talking bout the weak, do you guys like do bes then accidentally activate nut in the middle of bes while bes is still shooting weak then the weak just goes on forever?


I personally get the most on ninja thanks to hearty mix of good luck and pure ninja greatness. :sunglasses:




Ninja does have a 70/70 offensive stat.
Oh, and congrats on using a ninja on those hard bosses.
I never could get the hang on Ninjas :confounded:.

edit: spelling mistakes. Again.

I love farming Godslands with priests, but dungeon boss drops are racked up on my Knight’s side (when he was alive :cry:)


Leech and throw stars.


FYI that was all Fev.


Thanks, but you helped with setting up the post into a table and wiki, I was only planning to generate discussion regarding it.

Speaking of that thread, its about a month and a half since the last post. Due for a bump, or shall we let it die? I don’t think anyone has edited since my last bump