Princess Wanderer Rogue


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Believed to be a former princess, this notorious girl wanders the Realm, armed with two deadly daggers. She uses a peculiar ancient method of backhanded dagger grips.

Class: Rogue

Drops From: Mystery Box




cute hairstyle! though a few concerns…

1.) the colors at the top of the sprite are a little too similar, they almost kinda just blend into each other.

2.) the attack animation is a little off for me, because she seems to attack twice in her sprite during the time period one dagger is thrown.

hey, at least they’re being realistic


Reminds me more of a trickster than a rogue, but nice skin besides the puke green colour. :stuck_out_tongue:


It seems so, but I positive that it’s only one dagger being thrown at a time. I actually lowered the FPS to show it, but I guess it didn’t help.

Indeed. I didn’t know which dungeon boss to make it drop from, so I made it like most skins.


The sprites have been updated. I personally love the cartoony moving animation, but that may just be me!




the attac animation is sorta wonky imo, and look at that bad posture! Love the color scheme and style tho


The hair should move in the animations too Imo, also I think the attack animation is too static (because only the hands/daggers are moving, you should make it have more movement, like in the walk animation.

Also, remember that the skins have front/back/side looking (I think you know what i mean lmao) and also, a dye mask for each frame


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