Prism of mirrors


##Prism of mirrors

Multiple strange internal cracks inside of the prism allows for more precise of decoys at a price

  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost: 110
  • Damage: 100-150 (125 avg)
  • Range 3.75
  • Rof: 50% (62.5 Dps)
  • Special effects: spawns a controllable decoy one mouse that despawns when out of sight, No teleportation, Decoys do not attract enemys
  • Duration: 4.5 sec
  • Cooldown: 6.5 sec
  • Stat Bonus: -10 wis -5 spd
  • Fame Bonus: 6%
  • Feed Power: 875 FP
    ####Drops From:
  • Cube god
  • Maybe cave of 1000 pbags
    You may see the prism at first glance as a cheese prism allowing you to just to hide behind a wall and still do damage but its not as easy as that. first of all the decoy moves with you at the same speed so if you move 2 tiles to the right it too moves two tiles even with speedy or slowed to the right and walking into a wall can allow for movement desync. But you cant just run it into a boss and fire due to the line of sight limit which means that its treated as a enemy once is out of sight it is despawned. Now onto attack the most balanced part i believe. When you fire a shot the decoy does as well, though with a 50% Rof decrease that turns it into a pitiful t5 dagger with a range debuff so you have to go deep for real damage.


The prism is more of a situational one with its uses being to spawn one right under you to add to your Sb dps or use it in O1 or O2 to get sb without having to go closer and due to the openness of both the boss rooms the line of sight drawback is mitigated. Other ones would be to take down a switch or damage hoards of enemy’s in shatters without having to risk much.


There was an Idea which has a decoy which spawns on your cursor, and it was already heavily refined. Having a controllable decoy is even more broken than that, and now the decoy attacks? Okay, that last point may not matter too much, but still, the first two points are really powerful.

I can’t find the thread right now, but I’m sure you’ll need to think about the decoy distracting the enemy like that


Fret pat idea, I love how the decoy mirrors your movement, but the damage part of it is kinda op.


Lowered the damage to t5 dagger and if you couldn’t pick where the decoy was spawned it only could be right under you since it moves with the exact speed of you


I think plaers are smart enough to circumvent that problem. Just TP back as far away as possible, and walk forwards. That way, your decoy is in front of you, diverting damage AND damaging


Cant teleport


…how exactly does your decoy spawn? Perhaps you could give it a step by step. The more we talked about this, the more I’m confused.

  1. Press space
  2. Decoy spawned on mouse
  3. ???
  4. Profit


Do you mean this one by chance?

Or mine?


Yeah! That’s the one! I think the OP defended the idea pretty well, with the MP cost, duration and cooldown.

I suggest tou read that thread that @SturkyUsed posted. In there are the arguements to that OP’s justification for such a powerful prism, and that’s without movement and shooting.

To be honest, the penalty of despawning it when there’s no line of sight is nice, but not harsh enough. Walls are rare to come by anyway, and maintaining line of sight is really easy, especially once the enemy is ahooting elsewhere


Yeah i get that its op since its attack and mouse decoy but its a core aspect of the prism and i rather not just slap on a 7 year debuff and -70 mana and call it a day. so what drawback are you thinking it should have?


Lengthening cooldown, removing the distracting aspect of the decoy would make it better, but are you sure you want to go that route?


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