Private realmeye profiles should not show up on leaderboards


So true


DECA doesn’t moderate RealmEye.


wrong forum console
go back to ideas
this is forum feedback


Yes, and birds don’t eat asteroids.

But that’s irrelevant.


Because you can see that someone had a knight with 43582430128468 fame but you don’t know who it is.


actually it doesnt even show people’s score
it just says private
and leaves you wondering…


It incites curiosity. Who is this top famer? What’s his name?


curiosity that never gets resolved
you dont even get to see how much he scored.


So you can autistically screech like Itani when he sees that he’s not at the top but still doesn’t know how much to train to beat it.


If someone is the, for example, fastest person in the world you might not know who they are or their score but technically they are still first and on the leaderboard


2147483647 is actually the max…




It would be nice to have a filter on all the leaderboards to include/exclude private from the list.

Could be a button to enable switching between

  • leaderboard of all profiles
  • leaderboard of all public profiles

(though obviously not a gross orange colour like in this pic):

Or if we had the power to put something in the URL like -public at the end: - the full list - only public profiles

Realmeye Graveyard fix

I have no idea. why do people even make their profiles private?

yes I do.


a.k.a. highest number in most computer games.


The number 2,147,483,647 (or hexadecimal 7FFF,FFFF16) is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer in computing. It is therefore the maximum value for variables declared as integers (e.g., as int) in many programming languages, and the maximum possible score, money, etc. for many video games. (from Wikipedia)


Since the exp values are even sorta close to it (Fiddy has ~1/3 of it), I dont think exp is saved in an int.

Edit: I was refering to the total exp, which is probably not stored in the in the game anyways.


Tiles Uncovered is the biggest number on our characters, usually [edit: though I guess maybe not for train chars]. I wonder if anyone broke through the 2,147,483,647 on this yet.


On a non-train char, with 8,5 million exp, I have 19 million tiles, so I’d need ~500,000 fame to break that.


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