Production letter - IllumiUnity confirmed, report on feature progress and other topics!


Does this mean we’ll have to pay to use the skins we’ve already unlocked?


Well rn if you want to change you have to find another pet stone


If you’re talking about items, characters, pets, and such, Unity only affects the client, so the server and the database will remain unchanged.


It’s doable since the new class has terrible dps


A terrible DPS katana class? Do those exist?


according to the latest leak, it will only have 50 att and dex




That would make dps worse than rogue, 2nd worst only to priest.


You still shouldnt have to pay to use the skins you’ve already payed for or worked to get.




“only 50 def”


meant dex


But also a damaging ability.
So like a rogue with cloak of bloody surprises.


Update on that leak, it’s 75 att now


The deca class:
75 att
damaging buff ability & ++att

don’t they have any new ideas?


I’m pretty sure by damaging ability they just mean an ability that does damage, not the actual damaging buff.


tfw when DECA announces a change to Unity

Photo Courtesy of Potential History




I Expecting something like that.


Yes, but you will also be able to switch back, and to any pet skin/family you’ve ever had post-wardrobe for a fame fee.