PT: In/Out of Combat System and more!


I read the formula like this:

HP regen = base regen (1) + vit regen (0.12*vit), similar for wis. Based on that, I made my calculations.

Looking at the wording of the part after that though…

Looks like you are right. This changes the numbers a bit, I’ll edit my comment above to use the corrected formula. Thanks for pointing it out!


ICS/OCS - Great idea, once I have hit the maxed divine pet, everything became boring. For the last 5 years I hardly play at all except for rare occasions. But I really liked the game pre divine (maxed rare). During this motmg I have created a new account where I have only maxed rare pet and It was so much refreshing, and fun, except i cant force myself to play like for extended periods of time when i have divine… To me change like this could possibly mean that game will be interesting again. Finally som core rebalancing. Great work DECA.


All of this, sounds so fantastic, PLEASE


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Opened if you really want to comment, but be aware the pt session was a month ago


Xaklor was this open really necessary?


Said the guy who had something to comment on this very thread no less than 24 hours ago


Yeah, I’m probably gonna be the last one though
Everyone else has probably either
A. Seen this
B. Done the testing




Double Bet


(Ohh baby a) triple bet!


Quad bet.


Hey you already bet!

If we’re betting twice then PENTABET


I can go all day… Hexabet.


We may have extended this topic past the usual close time, but let’s keep it on-topic, please.



On-topic part to undo the flag:
The changes to the defense are much needed with the hp meta right now, although more than likely hp rings will still be the most used rings, but perhaps more people will consider using defense, especially because of the changes to pets, I’ve always personally thought that as it was defense was too weak, so glad to see the buff. Vit/Wis buff is great for npes, but not quite enough unless you’re using that one vit armor from the Fungal Cavern.


I, for one, welcome these new changes. I think they will change the game up slightly, but in a good way that promotes care and not blind rushing. We’ll have to wait and see, though.


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