Pyra or deca (on wizard & warrior)


Title says it all, recently got my 2nd deca, have to choose between pyra or decas, only have 1 pyra, what rings should I use?


Deca - warr
Pyra - wizz
Wiz need some extra def more than warr


Deca on warrior is good idea, on wizard if you can dodge I would probably take the other Deca to avoid insta pops, but pyra is indeed a good choice.


deca bad, resist the masses

If you’re going for a more defensive playstyle, use the Deca.
If you’re going for a mixed playstyle, use the Pyra.
Since Wizard has lower defense than a Warrior, you’ll probably prefer the Pyra over the Deca.
For both, the attack doesn’t make that big of a difference. (Though, since staves shoot 2 shots, it does help with higher-defense enemies a tad)


It depends. If you’re not comftorable with warrior, and it’s realitvely low def, pyra is the way to go. However, given that you (probably) are quite experience with your warrior, decades is the way to go.


Just use an ExaHP


Pyra lol 4 def and 4 def is much better than 90 hp


Makes very little difference. Go with which ever one makes a better looking set.


The robe choice on wizard, and what you’re planning to fight, affects the decision too.


i like pyra on warrior and deca on wizard
although there are better rings than pyra


You should usually go with Deca on Warrior and Pyra on Wizzy. Mix it however you want, though.


So, 8 def?
I’m just joking around, lmao


:100: math skills


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