Rainbow-pot [on RealmEye trading pages]


I thought about this a while ago but why isn’t there a ‘item’ on realmeye thats called a rainbow-pot or so, so u can make a trade like; selling woodland egg buying a rainbow pot. so u dont have to put up 6 orders for each pot 1 time.

NOTE; this is just something for on realmeye it can’t excist on rotmg.

I know that this idea ain’t AMAZING but i think it’s something little that would be helpfull.



I’m pretty sure theres an item for that already


he means on realmeye


i know i think theres already an item for that unless “any pot” is only for the guy looking for the offers


any pot =/= rainbow pot


are you saying yellow and cyan are not colors of the rainbow?


Yes, but gray is.


and apparently magenta is a color of the rainbow too


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