Randomly DCing out of Candylands?


The last three Candylands I’ve ran, solo from my vault, I’ve been randomly kicked back to my character select screen. No error, no getting logged out with 2 minute lock out, no lag beforehand, nothing. Just back to character select, as if I opened the options and clicked “back to home”. I’m only able to stay in them for maybe 15 minutes. Is anyone else having this problem?


hm… heres an idea.
So, seeming as u r opening them all in ur vault…
The servers cant keep all vaults (or any at all for that matter) loaded or itll over crowd the servers, so basically the map loads when u go in, and disloads when u exit it.
When u go into the clands, u technically go out of ur vault, thus de-loading the vault map.
Maybe this is why u keep dcing, because the root (idk) of the dungeon is in the vault where u opened it, and the servers dont recognize it after you join the dungeon?
In other words dont open them in your vault.
Hope this helped!


This happens a lot , most people run Clands well most people that I know . We run Clands until we D.C. Because of past experiences we D.C. After a certain amount of time with no warning . Not because of lag though we just D.C. Out of no where and I would also like to know why that happens


I m agreed with u … Whenever i try doing cland I m kicked after 20 to 25 min max .
I have waster many of my cland key .
It not only happen when opened in vault but also when opened in ghall or pirate cave.
I too have the problem with it


I personally believe that it is a mechanic to counter the fact that the dungeon is infinite. I think you just got the (really) short end of the stick. I mean, one I was in a cland for over an hour, and I only left because I had to go.


I have been DC’d of Clands dropped by the candy gnome .-.


I hosted cland thinking will stay for at least for 3-4 hrs but made me dc after 17 min…
And that’s not only problem some time full cland is been is crashed only spawning minions.


What char ? I ask as there is a known bug that only affects certain characters. If you are stunned, so you can’t shoot, but use your ability to do damage, you can be disconnected.

It does not happen much as there are very few places you can be stunned. Candyland, Mad Lab and Tomb Sarcs. And of these Candyland is more likely as it’s due to the Desire Troll, and with her mix of shots and status effects it’s easy to be surprised by the stun.

It’s not all classes as it’s only those that do damage with their ability, and only those that are shot-like, such as Knight’s stun. Knight is especially susceptible as they have to get in close to hit and stun.


I’ve only been doing them on Ninja, and I’ve only ever been DCd while clearing and not doing boss fights, and I don’t use my star for damage unless I’m fighting a boss. If using the star for speedy counts for this bug then you could be right.


I’ve heard that’s not a bug, it’s a “feature” introduced by Kabam to counter hacked clients. These clients allow you to shoot even while stunned, so if the game perceives you dealing damage while stunned, you get disconected from the server. Talk about an inneficient fix.

Candyland Hunting Grounds disconects, as far a I know, have been a thing since its implementation on the game. It has something to do with how flash handles memory and it would be the case with any infinite dungeon. By toggling performance stats, you can see how high your memory is and, the higher the number, the higher the probability of you getting disconected. I don’t think there’s anything you can about it.


It’s definitely a bug. I know why it happens, but the implementation is broken. It should either recognise that you are using your ability while stunned (as is quite possible), and not DC you. Or stun should affect abilities, or at least damage dealing abilities. Then it could still DC anyone doing damage while stunned, as normal players would be unable to do it.

The memory issue is not confined to Candylands. In fact Candyland is pretty good, memory-wise, if you know how to minimise it. Don’t get hit by hallucinating. as that seems to add a chunk of memory each time. You can spend a very long time in there with no memory problems if you don’t get hit by hallucination.

I never DC due to memory. The game used to grind to a halt, when I had only 4GB of RAM, as its usage crept over 1GB. Now with 16GB it never gets close to running out, but it performs worse and worse as it juggles more and more in-game objects that ROTMG’s code leaves around.


Then @Skandling’s theory doesn’t apply, because there’s nothing that stuns you when clearing right?

It could be a server problem; there’s been two outbreaks of people crashing servers where the entire game was down temporarily.

Do you get dcd from realms as well? IIRC you’re still a USSW player right?


USS, but not really. If I get DCd from a realm it goes with a 2 minute time out, and that doesn’t happen in Clands. It honestly seems like it was implemented intentionally but I have no idea why they’d want to do that.


$$$? Xd. Honestly I have no idea. Last 2 clands I did, one I was in for 2 hours and the other for an hour before I died, or dcd. But I don’t do clands often lol, couldn’t tell you.


just make sure you relog the game or reopen it before you going into cland. i always relog whenever i’m about going to private dungeon, it makes you last longer


I just did this cland with @WhipMeBoy and I didn’t even DC after at least half an hour, so maybe this isn’t a problem?


turn ur debuffs on lmao


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