Ranking the UT Rings


Yeah, it’s pretty rare. The white bags in fungal and crystal don’t seem that rare but since there’s like 20 different white bags, getting the one you actually want takes a bit of time. And I definitely feel like mist has the lowest drop rate of them all based on what I’ve gathered.


it’s very luck-based though, like out of three fungal/crystal whites that I’ve gotten two have been mists.


So happy I got mine, I’ve only done like 50 crystals or something. It is by far my favorite ring. Great speed, def, decent HP, and the invisibility is SOOOOO good. You can Dblade LOD bosses easily with it. It is so fun, I am actually going to be sad when I die with it


Ma dudes:

  1. UBDex/UBMP (Mah bois when any non-dagger classes need DPS and Samurai/Sorcerer for spamming waki/scepter).

  2. Nile/Sourcestone/Gemstone/UBSpeed/Omni (I am obsessed with Boots on the Ground…)

  3. Potato/Crown/UBAttack/Esben Ring (Nice DPS rings, ATT is a nice thing for DBow, for dagger classes and Bard himself).

  4. UBDef/UBVit/UBWis (Extremely underrated, UBDef is good for staff and bow classes. UBVit for petless Knights who are going max Vit build). I find Sorcerer will benefit Wis ring the most.

  5. UBHP/Deca. (Extremely overrated, they are only effective for Knight who are going for max HP build because his above average Def.) And because they are in such high demand…

  6. Everything else…

  1. Sourcestone/crown
    Some classes need extra mp for their dps, some debuff/buff inflicting classes may need mp in some situations and may benefit more from an attack boost in others where their ability is less important. Really you could use one or the other for just about any class.
  2. Deca
    Hp is all around a great stat and helps with survivability. Great for newer players or people who just want some extra protection for their rare weapons abilities and armors.
  3. Bloodshed ring
    Survivability plus wismod. Good on specific classes
  4. All other rings
    Imo if you have an 8/8, the only stats that make a really big impact on gameplay are hp and mp, and wisdom for wismod classes.

If I could spawn in my own items to make the perfect set, every one of my characters would have either Crown or Sourcestone.


I love seeing how diverse everyone’s opinions are on rings. Some people favor DPS, others health, and others ability usage. It’s quite interesting to see how many people have differing opinions from my original list.

I think the biggest thing I’ve noticed from this thread is that most people think HP rings are overrated. Crown seems to be overwhelmingly favored among most people here.

Another thing I find interesting is how far ahead people have crown from pyra, myself included. I thought back on it, and when you look at it, Pyra actually has better defensive power than crown which might be favorable. Obviously the DPS it provides is significantly lower, but overall I think pyra might be kind of underrated for just the flexibility it has. I see A LOT of people wearing pyra despite the fact that the ring has been unchanged for over 8 years. It really holds up well.


I often wonder why Pyra is so underrated, I think that ring is still incredible to this day. To me, the best rings in the game in no order are:

I think these 5 rings are the optimal choice most of the time. Obviously it will change based on the class, like warrior won’t be interested in the MP given by bracer or source and a sorc may want a ring with Wis for more scepter targets but I think that most classes that are looking for an optimized ring slot should be striving for one of these 5 rings most of the time. Obviously, use whatever is most fun to you and what you enjoy the most but from a pure optimization standpoint, this is my opinion.

Also, one ring that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is the bloodstone ring which, compared to pyra, trade off 4 ATT to gain 20 HP. My preference is still Pyra but players that are looking for a bit more survivability and don’t mind the drop in dps compared to a pyra, this ring is a really good option.


yeah i decided not to include ST rings just because there’s a lot of them and it honestly should just go in an entirely separate list. i do agree that bloodstone ring is very good though, especially when equipped with the full set.


Yeah that makes sense. Honestly, I forgot that rings is an ST.


Isn’t Crown basically a direct upgrade from UBDex?


I know, but Crown/Potato are hard to obtain, since they are white bags.


Oh, I see what you mean.

I thought this ranking of UT rings was just directly based on how good they were, without taking into consideration rarity.

I would agree with you though, the UB rings are actually not bad if you don’t have the more rare swapouts and they can be excellent on throwaways.


I personally think that the rarity of certain rings is wayyyy overestimated.

Unless you’re extremely unlucky, you can get a crown in about every 100 to 150 Shatters runs. That’s really not THAT much playtime. However, I am like probably 400 Lost Halls dry since my last lodestone now… so yeah… RNG can always be a pain. Honestly though, recent event chests have been really generous in Lost Halls/Shatters. I’ve had plenty of white bags from recent events and if you aren’t running those two dungeons when an event is going on, you definitely should be.

But yeah, my original list didn’t take luck/rarity into account at all. It was completely sorted based on how strong they are. In terms of strength, Crown is wayyyyy better than UBDex or UBAtt. I would personally never use any tiered ring except for UBHP, but that’s just me. I can see why some may want to use the UB offensive rings for like easier dungeons and realm farming but you need to be somewhat tanky for higher level dungeons. They have their use, but it’s minimal and completely nullified if you have crown or lodestone.


I use UBATK in combination with a Doom Bow, QoT, and Golem Garments on an archer to reach 98 ATK so I can one-shot most gods when glands farming. But I’m with you, I would never use a tiered ring as a main ring unless it was UBHP.


Yeah, you very well could use UBAtt for that. But at the same time, you’re better off using Esben’s Wedding Ring for that kind of thing. It also gives +10 ATT as well as +60 HP and +60 MP which can be very useful on Archer with its high DPS abilities. It also decreases your DEF, but DEF isn’t that important in the godlands, especially on a ranged class.

It really does feel like there’s a UT ring that will outclass every single tiered ring, huh? Not sure how I feel about that.


Tiered rings only give one stat, so it’s hard to use them over UT rings.

For example:

UB ATK/DEX: Highest atk/dex rings the game (excepting esben), but they provide less DPS than rings like Crown and Lodestone, and Crown and Lodestone provide defensive stats too, so there’s not really a point.

UB VIT: Vit is useless, need I say more?

UB WIS: This one needs a buff, it’s directly outclassed by Geb’s Ring of Wisdom.

UB SPD: 10 spd is nice, but CRing’s a thing and you don’t generally notice it that much, especially since many rings provide spd too. Speed is nice, but I wouldn’t sacrifice other defensive stats that I could get.

UB DEF: Yes, you get all the def you’ll ever need, but unfortunately because you don’t get HP this isn’t very great bc often the HP of a Deca/UBHP will just be better.

UB Mana: One of the few UB rings that are actually used, bc it provides a boatload of mana. Even then though, there are many rings like Gemstone that will give some defensive stats that make ppl more comfortable.

Which leaves UBHP/Deca, which will boost survivability significantly and are among the best rings for this.


I literally forgot that Esben’s increases ATT by 10 lol. Good point!


Omni under Nile?


I’m starting to think that a lot of players are just clueless of what stat bonuses omni actually has lmao


Did you change your name?