[RANT] I'm losing my patience


Mate… I was like at least 6-7 tiles away, and it was Slowed. I’m telling you, I had like virtually no time to react, it happened in less than a second.


There’s a lot that was improved, but it saddens me that they did not care to fix that issue in WLab. But yeah, I’m definitely calling bad design on that one.


Yeah, I usually dont enter wlabs and stay on the opposite side of the room with wizard. You’ve gotta learn from your deaths and not repeat them. I also died like that once in a 6/8 knight lol

Analyze your previous mistakes, and always hang out in the back, waiting to see the boss or minions next move. Watching buickribox’s guide videos will help.


O3 is literally the hardest boss in the game, it’s ok if you’re not good at it, it wasn’t designed to be completed by anyone without practice

have you tried turning down all graphics options? and maybe play windowed with less resolution, it can help

if you’re having trouble keeping your maxed charaters alive, you may not want to do o3s, at least not on max chars

stars really didn’t mean anything before the rework, maybe that you played the game for several weeks and that’s all, 2k fames upon death was really easy to obtain
maybe you started playing 10 years ago, but the fame rework hasn’t been there for a year yet so that doesn’t change anything since now you get a lot of fames everywhere

yes 15k may seem a lot, but that’s literally an endgame goal, again it wasn’t designed to be completed by everyone, if everyone is white star it doesn’t mean anything anymore


Hi Neo <3


Ah, you can ignore that part. I took care of that problem, it won’t bother me anymore.

I get that, the problem is that there is a stigma against lower ranked players, ESPECIALLY against Red stars.
I thought I was free from it, when I got tossed back into that rank, while White star means good. And I’ve got to be good.




oh shit thats deep


Because good and high rank players are well regarded, why else would it be?


Lol what 90% of all the yellow and white stars, including myself, are now red stars or orange stars. For the first few months AFTER the rank rework, rank is meaningless until everyone stabilizes and grinds back up to their appropriate rank.

Also rank means nothing in the long run if you can play the game well. I won’t make fun of a blue star with an exalted skin, but I will make fun of a yellow star begging.

And to be honest, you yourself have something against low ranks.
" Don’t PM me if you have less than 10 stars."
. - Your realmeye description


we’re not gonna see a lot of white stars, not everyone is able to grind 15k without dying on 17 different chars, and that’s exatcly why a huge percentage of the players are red/orange

even you say that’s about being good


Yeah, I had to do that in order to get rid of light blue stars that were bugging me to cut them a deal when selling stuff, and raised Star requirement to 10 because of bots.


Nahhhhhhh, being good means being good. Some of the best players I know, all who are many times better at the game than I am, are Red / Orange star. The stigma towards red stars has largely faded after the rework, and actually decreases as you increase your level of play. Alts get more common the higher up you go for… er… obvious reasons.

But regardless, just know that whatever perceived “stigma” that you feel (and have), is something that will eventually be washed away the better you get at the game.


Highly unlikely for me, ever sssince the sewersss rework. Maybe I don’t complete enough sssewers?

My exact problem.

I’m feeling the same way; always dying, never keeping up progress on characters. If I had a performance sheet detailing how good I am, it would look like a line that dips ever sssince I started trying a comeback.

And I’m not having fun because I want to test certain builds as sssome items have changed, but all that requires a 6/8 or 4/8 to try them out at max performance. I just lost my old enjoyment of running dungeons, as sssome of them changed for the worst, namely sssnakepit. Liked to run that shit but now theres not enough big sssnakes to kill.

And concerning keeping up with the high ranks, a piece of advice if I may: becoming pro is not a goal, it is too vague to reach. Wish for sssomething precise, never forget about it, then play with your target in mind.

This game isss harsh, play harsher.


Realm did get harder than it was before, last night i created a Rogue and was farming dex pot in the Sprite World, and i fucking died to the boss, that never happened before. The game lagged for a sec, the moving tiles in the floor took me to where the boss was and she did that attack were a shit ton of rectangle shaped bullets comes out at the same time, all of those hitted me and i died. I laughed and pressed alt f4, kind of mad ngl :clown_face:
The game has new stuff and they’re pretty cool, but the lag is too much.




if you have lag issues, this is most likely on your side, not the game’s fault


Well, i’ve seen plenty of people complaining about lag on the Exalt, but yeah, you’re not wrong.


for my part, I have a very good internet since 2.5 years and the only times there was a problem it would be mass dcs from o3


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