Rarest Item?


I recently got back into realm after about a 2 year break. A lot has changed since 2018 and I was wonder what the rarest non event white items are in the game? I know DECA has tweaked a lot of the drop rates, and added a lot of dungeons, so I wanted to be caught up an rarities.



Omni and Crown are still pretty rare, and I would still consider those the rarest (though I may have missed some ridiculously rare vanity item). The newer dungeons are constantly farmed, so their white bags are more or less common.


probably just collectibles, like the minor hp/mp pots, or the numbered health pots.

If you are referring to an item that actually drops in game, i would say the pernicious peridot
or the spicy wand of spice from bnexus.

like gamma, I way also be overlookign something


These haven’t been particularly rare in my experience. I’ve seen quite a few people get the Peridot, and I’ve personally got a load of spicy wands (I don’t think it’s any rarer than the other BNexus whites)


ive heard that peridot is comparitively harder to get than other sts.

ive also heard that spicy wand is the rarest bnexus white


I thought Peridot was just harder to get because Snake Pit trooms are rarish.

But yeah, I think this actually brings up an interesting aspect of this discussion:
The rarity of an item isn’t just based on the drop rate, but rather also how hard the enemy that drops it is as well as how often you are exposed to that enemy (for example, a 1 in 10000 drop, but from an enemy that you can kill 10000 times per minute won’t actually be that rare)

I also find that I have weird luck getting some whites (3 spice wands, 1 bear sword is my only other BNexus white) but not others. Account seed theory, anyone? :laughing:


yeah, i thought that was the ain reason that peridot is harder to find, because of the fact that troom is rather rare.

also would say molten mantle for the same reason, but ive seen much more people get those than peridots


personally never seen ring of the inferno despite trying for it
EDIT: to prove my point look at how many people clicked the link LOL


“The rarest item is the item you’re actively hunting for” - Every Collector ever

I’ve always sort of considered how rare an item is to be more based on how often you can farm the enemy dropping them vs their actual drop rate. Sure this isn’t accurate for all cases, but it is still a somewhat good indicator.

Limited edition dungeons usually hold the rarest items because the dungeons can never be acquired again (like BNexus), or because their keys/drop locations are only available for a limited time like the Sword of Illumination from the heroic abyss.

But of course you’re probably referring to the non-limited edition content, to which I say, probably anything relating to the UFO and its alien portals. The UFO doesn’t come often, it’s a pretty rare event that only spawns once per realm (and not even guaranteed, feels like he only comes once every 15 realms on average), and both the UFO and all the alien dungeons it drops can drop white and orange bags. Out of all of them, I’m gonna say the Locked Reactor and the 4 Alien Cores are probably one of the rarest items out there that are not limited edition but are still incredibly difficult to obtain under normal gameplay outside of events


Well @Wilhuff Farmed almost 200 t-rooms during the boosted drop rates. So it’s just tedious.


Meanwhile, @PhantomMod didn’t even farm and got four casually, two back to back during boosted drop rates.




Deathless Crossbow is probably the rarest ST with how many Libraries people have done without getting it. It makes sense though, as it’s literally Void Bow with set bonuses.


Some of the trophies from recent contests or maybe numbered hp pots.


Beer Slurp


Some of the UTs from the harder/rarer dungeons gotta’ be up there, like the Shaitains skull. Also some of the rarer pet skin drops like Jaco.


Probably the Penentrating blast spell. I’ve quite literally never seen it ever on prod (the reason I say that, is because it was popular on rifts for some inexplicible reason)


Because it has awful stats. Recurring terror or fungal will always be better. Even T2 has a better mp to damage ratio.


Still, thickets are rarely ran past 1st, and not many people do survival.


Aside from items already mentioned, the newer STs are obviously a rather uncommon sight.

And, on a much more pedantic note, many of the newer skins as items!
After all, who would just keep a skin in their vault, especially if they haven’t unlocked it already?
Looking at you, Gravekeeper Hunter Skin…