Reading Time


This is probably a stupid question but whats to stop someone from leaving the forum open for 50 days and have a massive read time in their stats?


Nothing. It’s an honor system.


I don’t think it works like that


Reading time is only active reading time, as in, it’ll only count if you are scrolling through and actually stopping to read the posts


I’ll answer your question with another question: what would you gain from having a very high reading time?


creates macro that constantly slowly scrolls up and down every so often


why would u do that for something that has no gain whatsoever

Edit: unless you wanted to flex, but @shatter would just overpower you in any case


i’d set it on each night and wait a year, then i’d flex with 162.5d read time :cool:






Mynamerr is over shadowing me in most ares.


whats the point of high reading time tho


where do u find ur reading time


go to ur account page

its the one highlighted yellow


You get to be like Shatter, Mynamerr, Scorchmist, And Xaklor :sunglasses:



i mean read time means literally nothing, although there’s definitely scripts you could write to trick the webpage into thinking it’s your active tab as well as scrolling scripts.

again, it means nothing unless you’re going for reg, which doesn’t technically require a read time requirement anyways. that said, i still miss my 8d recent read time that i had for a very brief while.


what does reg require then


50/past 100 days visited
50% of posts made in the past 100 days read (?)
5 likes given in the past 100 days
some post requirement that i don’t know
less than 5 flags in the past 100 days


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