Realm Bar


I can’t stand playing most console games. (Most FPS) The mouse will always be the champion to me.
And I know, it’s just humorous to me :slight_smile:


Nah, I feel like spellbombs would be a pain. Mouse is definitely the way to go (also how do you do TP’s lmao)


Yeah, @Shatter, what problems do you run into that normally wouldn’t be an issue on the normal set-up? (If any.)


Only problem is tp’ing to OT rushers, i’ll use mouse.

I have both thumb sticks controlling the mouse. It’s really smooth


Had a few too many and accidentally stasised a player. Hopefully I only get a warning from the Nexus patrol


this is mine that i posted somewhere else:


I’m a red star and I haven’t been called immature… I do play knight a lot, only 4 starred char. It was exactly 800 fame after bonuses xD


Vindicator: To clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.


So far, when clearing a Sewers in a group, there’s nothing funnier than a confuse bomb blasting a portion of the players.
Everybody goes in a different direction.


Ye, except for the hacker who moves without noticing.


Oryx is a palty seeve!

Did I do it right?


drinks Bahama Sunrise
drinks Pink Passion Breeze
drinks blue Paradise
drinks Lime jungle BAy
drinks Rirate PuM
Srinks Stout Oryx
dRinkS Wealm-Rheat Hefenweasdwisen

erugshslapagurg eshepflrg shnaishnip!!1! hurrr herheheehe …


You must’ve had a real rough day in the realms to be drinking that much < .> . If you ever want to feel normal again, drink this Holy water, which I’ve picked up from the nearby manors :innocent:


Lol you also forgot ghost pirate rum…
I like how in the last couple comments you appear drunk, “Srinks Stout Oryx, dRinkS Wealm-Rheat Hefenweasdwisen” Lol I was laughing so hard at this


srry to revive a dying thread, but i was going to before you made this one


Delete thread please


This is too accurate QQ


wtf? why are you remaking, just do whatever you want here.


time to pee on the bar table…


Well, no one knows what the bar looks like, where the table are located at, where the drinks are sold, why the bar was made. You know, the basic stuff. So going to make some lore and nub graphics