Realm need currency (money)


Player can exchange stats potion at trader NPC for
Currency at certain ratio

Life pot = 80 × ( 2 to 0.2 )
Mana pot = 40 × ( value multiplier)
Def pot = 12 × ( value multiplier)
Atk pot = 10 × ( value multiplier)
Vit pot = 8 × ( value multiplier)
Spd pot = 6 × ( value multiplier)
Wis pot = 5 × ( value multiplier)
Dex pot = 4 x ( value multiplier)

  • Value multiplier of the item will decrease if player don’t exchange the item for currency.
  • Value multiplier of the item will increase if player exchange the item for currency.


  • Essence of loot
    shiny magical dust that increase your luck
    On use give player 1 min of loot buff and loot tier effect

Stackable to 20

Sold in Nexus for 200 currency

  • Key molder
    insert nice description
    On use consume (selectable) 2x of soulbound (stats potion) loot of dungeon you want
    And then give you proxy dungeon key of that dungeon you selected

Proxy keys can only be use in guild Hall
If you want UDL proxy key you need 2 wisdom pot and 1 key molder to make it

Sold in Nexus for 300 currency

Also currency can be trade/exchange between players




Sometimes posts don’t always work out


So to clarify, you use this to make a key of a dungeon using white bags/sts that you have gotten from it?


I mean pots

If you want proxy tomb key
You need 6 life in order to make it


Oh because it says soulbound loot in your post


I mean loot that you usually get. When you hit soulbound damage threshold.


I have absolutely no idea what any of these things mean.


Read again?


I understand it now, but having to trade potions for the currency just makes it an unnecessary step in the trading process.


It have a benefits you don’t see


Like what. This system will be absolutely broken when you have events that tank prices. Unless you expect DECA to update the prices of pots every minute. In fact it’s going to have the exact opposite effects. With so many pots on the market due to an event, the value multiplier will increase, which makes zero economic sense.


The price are supposed to be update every minute


Some people would rather horde the pots and the price would increase


But other dungeons drop life too


So what?


The Shatters also drops life so how do make one of those if tombs cost life too?


Yep you can you any pot from anywhere as long as it meet condition


I changed my mind read it again please



I guess so…???
Actually, I guess not…


You could just add quests to the quest rotation that allow you to trade pots for loot drop/loot tier potions.

We already have the trading system and Fame can be used as a currency as well. What’s the point of adding yet another currency in the game?

As much as I’d like to be able to open more keys without constantly having to rely on paying whales, that would completely destroy key sales and take a huge chunk of Deca’s revenue away.

Having to open in GHall exclusively also destroys public key openings (one of the rare things that bring the community together) and isn’t that good for private openings either considering how many people play with friends outside of their guild.