REALM RAIDERS: The go-to discord for Lost Halls 2.0! Get verified before the update drops!


Crosspost from Reddit

Hey, it’s me again, SurfLapras back with another message regarding Realm Raiders.

From the start, the sole intent of Realm Raiders was to build up a community of members interested in running higher level dungeons. This includes folks who are freshly new to higher level dungeons and highly experienced players. With that being said, Lost Halls 2.0 is more than likely going to drop very soon.

This is an invite for all of you to join Realm Raiders (and get verified on the #verify channel) before Lost Halls 2.0 even drops! We plan to be running Lost Halls feverishly as soon as 2.0 drops so if that sounds like your kind of discord experience, then join us for our future halls endeavors!

For the time being, we have been running plenty of Nests, Shatters, and Tombs so if that peaks your interest, then please check us out for that as well. We will continue running these three higher level dungeons even after 2.0 is released (just slightly less frequently and only during times where there aren’t enough people for a Lost Halls).

The link to Realm Raiders can be found below. Thanks!



that covers my thoughts on the discord


rhymes with realm traders (realm trades)

and you know how that went


I refuse to acknowledge any sort of hype train anyone could ever start over a LH2 discord, since the entire point of LH2 is to make it doable outside of discord servers.



i joined the server just to see what was going on, and they really just run a bunch of miscellaneous dungeons, judging from the afk check. doesn’t seem like a dedicated lh discord.


We haven’t yet started dedicating the server to Lost Halls at this time as we typically only get 10-30 people online at any given time, hence the reason why we’ve been running Shatters and Tombs as an alternative. We’ve pushed close to that 30-40 person mark that we would like to have for a Lost Halls multiple times now. We really just need to get over that hump.

Also regarding KyleAkaBob, I’m currently looking into the accusations in regards to him hacking. As far as I know, he does not currently use a hacked client. I will be looking further in depth towards this though the next time he leads to confirm that this is true. By joining our staff, he agreed to not using hacks. If he is found to be lying about this agreement, then he will be removed from staff.

We do not promote hacking in this discord in any way, shape or form, and to be clear, we actually look down on it with disdain. It’s clearly stated in our rules that we won’t harass you to not use a hacked client (unless you are leading raids, which in this case you are required to use the vanilla client or you will be demoted) because it’s your choice to not play the game legitimately (and therefore not get any better at the game) and it’s not our job to patrol and witch hunt people with hacked clients. It’s the job of DECA to patrol these people.


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