Realm Trades - Thoughts?




I could see them taking all of the items, so ppl rwt to get items back


the mentality of a redditer always amazes me

as for the idea its very shady, what exactly is the “store” tab for


Ima definitely give this a try. For me being an introvert, it feels super awkward for me when it comes to talking or trading in-game (because deep down I always feel like ima screw something up). If the bots work out the way they should, I won’t have to interact with anyone 8D


I think that if I ever do use this site, I’ll probably start by trading a bunch of useful junk like grum and speed sprouts lol


It’s not like you have to make conversation with the person you’re trading with. 99% of realmeye trades go something along the lines of, “Hi are you still selling x?” “Yes, come to (server).”


The site doesn’t even work… Hasn’t worked for days and looks like a scam. Has anyone actually used it?


Im pretty sure the site isnt up, so justwait
if anyone could verify that that would be good


The site is up, and operational.


Sounds like this system would be damaging for you.

if you’re that introvert that you can’t talk to some people your trading in a game over text, which I can only consider a bad thing

the best thing would be to talk to some people your trading in a game more often. Then some day real humans!


SW2 here, gonna give my own opinion on this
obviously, there are gonna be people that wanna stick to realmeye and usw2, and i myself am probably going to remain skeptical. i have realized something though: if the website isn’t based off of duping the only way it can survive is if people keep using it. (therefore, it would be easy to stop trade/exploit) in addition to this, it does seem like you can buy a “membership” in order to get higher priority (would be nice if someone could confirm), which does kind of make it a turn-off for me.



This seems useful for small trades like rainbows, where you cant be bothered to switch servers just to buy 2 dex.


This is their response







Missed a few friend

Sadly RWT isint a real term, it orignates from Runescape and is8nt define by any dictionary but if were using it to mean the same thing RWT is items or services.

This is a service, this is RWT

Anyway you spin it


when lowkey unsure whether shatter is supporting you or dissing you


no u ruin the chain, its adisonD


Niether, pointing out things that are being broken nothing more,

Before anyone says “than all youtubers should be banned” youtubers are not inder the commercial definition unless outright stated by them that they only making videos on realm to make money