Realm Trades - Thoughts?


damn shatter, i can smell the smoke from here


you just read my mind fam


If anyone else than the players themselves were to blame for them losing their items, it’d be Realm Trades because they convinced the players to give the items to RWT bots.




Hacks and exploits



Realm Trades doesn’t use any hacks or exploits. Also were in contact with DECA, including that employee, at the present time and awaiting a response to see if they are interested in associating with us.


Lmao what about the bots


To save you some time, no… they are not interested


IDK it’s pretty good and you should try it my items are never stolen


thats a good one

all these people trying to form a realm trade circle jerk is pathetic really, i wouldn’t expect any less


I mean there are other more unsavory things you can do without stealing things. Whose to say they arent duping crap people put in the bots.


Well they probably are duping


@shatter I think this thread has expired, at this point its just people using their alts(funny if they think there is nothing wrong with it, why not use their main accounts?) to attempt to advertise or make the situation better for them self. We should not give them that opportunity


Jumps onto alt
Alt: Realmtrades is awesome! U should totally go use this site! 100% free and does not break the decker TOS. 0% of getting banned or anything like that.


Quick question relating to the whole “reusing bots” thing has anyone actually tried tracking the bots and see if they do anything else apart from doing the trade thing?

I mean I don’t see a lot of people doing it as it would be a huge bore and a potential waste of time but you never know.


I mean it’s hard to tell what the bot would be doing. It could be just standing there for all we know when it’s really trading someone or swapping it with some other bot


i think it got the RWT definition wrong
also you can spend money to trade more


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