Realmafia: Conquest - Round II [Mafia Won]


I don’t see why that would be a problem though as there is now a specific place for dead people to talk and they can’t talk anywhere else


I am candy REE(ad) for a reason I guess


I just think he doesn’t wanna risk it. That or he just saw people he wanted to put in.


The OP has been updated with an invite link to the server! You can find it at the end of the post under the signup list. The first Day is officially underway, so players should get in as soon as possible so they can have their permissions set up and not miss much discussion. You’ll get your role message as soon as you join the server and I see it.


Noooo, I missed it…


Join the peanut gallery


good thing i got in early, i’m allergic to peanuts


I’m allergic to Necros.


TROLLDLLR has joined the server


uh oh looks like you have to deal with your peanut allergy


The peanut gallery is literally just book + beach zone


Yo i you don’t join soon you’re gonna be in the peanut gallery.


shit just so toast sees this i’ll join in like 2 or 3 hours


Alright, thanks for the notice. Just make sure you’ve joined by the end of the day and add me as a friend so we can get private messages sorted out and begin the game.


I got left ,out, depression


to be fair you were kind of… inactive… last game.



18 Players Remain

“No, no, this isn’t fair! You can’t do this to me! I created this very server!” Xaklor cried out as the town carried him towards his demise. But it was too late to reason by the time he was thrown into the furnace. When Guill came back later to retrieve the charred remains, he found no ashes, but instead an unscathed copy of the Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Surely this was the source of all his spontaneous edge, which also means Xaklor was a Civilian. The only crime he was guilty of was using Discord’s light theme.

The Mafia made their first move under the cloak of darkness as well, killing the Civilian TROLLDLLR as he took an evening stroll through the outdoor gardens. These two players will be the first to join Septavius in the private #undead-lair channel. May they rest in piece.

Since the game is taking place in Discord, I figured I would post the start of each Day on the forums here and update the player list in the OP so that the game can still be kept track of even without the server.


this is a big enough reason for him to die tbh


Yeah @xaklor do you really use light theme?


most juvenile excuse ever smh

here’s what I don’t get: why is it that approximately 0% of people use the dark theme here but approximately 100% of people use the dark theme on discord? like, what actually is the difference? why do people not even care about one but belligerently mock everyone about the other?

since every application on my computer and nearly every website ever has predominantly white background, and I can’t change it for most of them anyway, I leave discord white for consistency and to avoid blinding myself every time I look away from discord.