Realmafia Round 9: [Mafia won for once!]


Sign me up please, Im Qunithepro #3509

My favorite animal is the Peregrine Falcon, because yay


I believe frequency of checking in is more important than overall time spent, if you can only pop in for 5 minutes at a time but can do so several times throughout the day, that would be better than sitting around for an hour straight but only once. that way you are less likely to miss out on things as they happen instead of only getting your information second hand afterwards, and you’re more reachable in case players need your attention for a vote or something.

if you need hard numbers, I would suggest 10 minutes at least 5 times during a phase, but 5 minutes 4 times should also be workable. the worst issue is when a player only checks in once per day, so they get secondhand info when they show up and then can never adapt to anything else that happens after that point. more is better if possible, of course.

I’ll also need your discord tag if this sounds reasonable to you


Im on summer vacation rn, so unless something randomly comes up I’ll be able to do it just fine


Sign me up pls chennitoa#8567


Gaaah — can’t get to Discord while I’m at work, so. :frowning:

[I’m out for #9, but lemme join the Discord anyway and see how much time I spend in the Peanut Gallery. Maybe I’ll be in for #10. OB]


rip. invite link is at the bottom of the OP, anyone can join the peanut gallery at any time


Oh man, imagine if OB was mafia xD


Yesterday I built a rhino out of undeniable guilt




It depends on the start date.
When I built a rhino out of bras yesterday, a seal, my favourite animal, happened upon my time table for the coming week…and frowned upon me…

…Eh, I think I can check in during my breaks from learning, and it sounds like this’ll be some fun hyperchaos. Seelpit clone, number 1-5-9-9, as you probably know…but that didn’t matter.


yesterday I built a rhino out of Uranus


Curlip#1849 signing up


Yesterday I built a rhino out of Italians, favourite animals are dogs

Looking forward to joining this game, it’ll be good to see how it turns out

Discord is SirSpud#1026


you forgot to read the rules sir


I’m too tired to think of something starting with ‘u’


Are you kidding? I think I’d get lynched the very first night purely out of general principle. :laughing:

[“Just in case”, don’cha know…   OB]


Yesterday I built a rhino out unbounded nuclear energy. And my favourite animal is a dog


Sure, why not?


Yesterday, I built a rhino out of ice. (even though its June and its 80+ Degrees Fahrenheit out)

Also, I don’t have a favorite animal per say; tie between scorpions and falcons.


heck I forgot about you sry dude

but you need to read the rules first :>


Sign me up for reals this time:

yesterday I built a rhino out of honey. I abosolutely love dogs.