Realmeye down?


Both my guildy and I get “Error 502 gateway not found” error whenever we try to load realmeye. I this just us or is there and issue with realmeye rn?

RealmEye Forums Moderator AMA [Request]
Connection Problem



hmm wierd


yeah me too


Same. Restarted my router, no change.


As well as a 502 gateway trying to get to RealmEye, I just got a 504 gateway trying to “like” on the forums.


Yeah, it’s broken.


ping our lord and savior @MrEyeball


Atleast forums are still up
¯\_ (ツ) _/¯


The Realmeye menu is also broken


Inb4 MrEyeBall decided to end RealmEye without telling anyone.


Yep, realmeye is ded for now


More than one tragedy here


Browser client it is :^]


yep, im getting exact same problem


Status report: problem still persists at 3:53 AM GMT.

Ship log 1: Uni is stupefied, unable to comprehend the notion of not being able to stalk people.

2: @Plveuk teaches uni to use the wayback machine and uni is happy again.

3: @MrEyeball Wahhh! Fix the main site pretty please. (Also does anyone know the contact email?)


It’s very early morning in the part of the world we suspect the admins live. My guess is they’ll get it back up in a few hours.


The realmeye appspot link isnt working too, can somebody post the version link please?


I actually don’t think RE is part of game , but for merchers ye


It is up now